I conducted a research assignment on asthma for one of my final units of college. As the results were very positive in reducing the symptoms of asthma I thought I’d share them with you.
Candida is a fungus which is a normal component of your gut flora. It lives in your large Intestine, mouth and vagina. It helps with digestion and absorption. Healthy gut bacteria will normally keep candida levels under control. When candida has overgrowth, toxins are released. This can cause the breakdown of the wall of the gut and make its way into your bloodstream where you may experience digestive problems through to depression.
Sometimes it’s hard to make the changes we need for the better. Quite often it is to do with the limiting beliefs we have about ourselves, sometimes it’s due to fear or not feeling worthy of deserving a better life. So why it is so hard to change? Mainly it’s to do with our belief system.
Complete Kinesiology is now offering distant Kinesiology and Reiki Sessions.
This allows you to receive healing without the need to be in clinic. The sessions are preformed exactly as if you were with me. The results are astounding and clients comment, that they cannot only feel themselves being worked on, but have the same positive reaction as if they were in clinic.
These sessions allow you to go about your day as normal, so if you’re busy or too far away you can still get the amazing benefits of Kinesiology and Reiki.
Many clients are stunned as to how amazing they feel after these as well as the information that comes up for them during the sessions. Want to know more? Please reach out and contact Complete Kinesiology.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011-12). 31.6% of all adult Australians suffer with hypertension (high blood pressure). From this 21.5% have high blood pressure and 10.1% are taking hypertension medications. Men are more likely to have high blood pressure (34.1%) compared to women (29.1%).
A healthy blood pressure is 120/80. The top number is referred to as systolic and is the amount of pressure in your arteries during contraction of your heart muscles. The lower number is referred to as diastolic and is the your blood pressure when your heart is between beats.
Kinesiology and Adrenal Fatigue
The adrenals are glands sit atop of your kidneys. They produce hormones that are required to sustain life such as cortisol which regulates metabolism. It also helps your body to respond to stress. Aldosterone is also excreted via the adrenal glands this is required for the control of blood pressure. Another hormone while not essential to sustain life, but helps your body in times of stress is adrenaline.
Having adrenal fatigue means you have lower levels of these hormones. These hormones can effect every system within your body. As this is the case, people who have adrenal fatigue will sometimes have slightly differing complaints, although many are similar.
Kinesiology is an effective tool when used for digestive problems and issues.
If you are low in Hydrochloric acid you maybe experiencing such symptoms as heartburn, bloating, belching, indigestion, constipation, allergies, chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, rectal itching, acne, gastric ulcers, hiatal hernias, badly formed stools and more.
Are you or your children easily distracted, would you like to be able to concentrate better? Kinesiology can help you achieve this.
Energetic Kinesiology can help balance the parts of the brain that allows you to focus on your tasks at hand. We can also help balance areas of the brain that allow you to focus on your goals and release the stress associated with this.
Whether you would like to play sport better, concentrate more, do better at work or school, Kinesiology can “Help You to be the best You can be!”
How can a muscle indicate that I have an emotional, mental or physical response to a certain situation or issue?
As all muscles are connected to the brain by biofeedback through our central nervous system, any stress whether conscious or subconscious, physical or emotional will register via monitoring muscles that are used in energetic kinesiology.